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How Big Should Your Rainwater Tank Be?


Wondering how much your rainwater tank will cost? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss whether there is a set price you can expect to pay for a rainwater tank, if having a tank is mandatory in Queensland, and other factors you need to consider when estimating cost.

What Do Rainwater Tanks Cost?

Unfortunately, there is no one set price you can expect to pay when buying a rainwater tank in Queensland. While some types are fairly cost effective, others are an investment of a couple of thousand dollars, depending on your specific requirements.

Is It Mandatory to Have a Rainwater Tank?

Council regulations do differ regarding whether you do or do not need to have a rainwater tank on your property. As such, we recommend checking your local guidelines for more information. This is because some councils also have restrictions regarding the placement, installation and size of your tank.

Factors Influencing Rainwater Tank Cost

There are a number of factors you should take into consideration when estimating the potential cost of your rainwater tank. Some of the most common are:

Capacity & Material

The size (capacity) of your rainwater tank is no doubt one of the biggest things that will influence cost. Understandably, a smaller water tank is likely to cost much less than a large one.

So too you should consider the type of material used in the construction of your tank. This is not only from a practical point of view but also in relation to the availability of materials.

For instance, if the material you want your rainwater tank to be constructed from is in short supply or needs to be sent away for, it may cost you more than if you were using a material that was readily available.

Rainwater tanks can be made from:


Some people are happy with ordering a water tank in steel or some kind of plastic in whatever colour is available. But if you want a custom paint job, this may cost you extra and something your supplier needs to take into account when estimating cost.

Location & Access

Location and access is something you need to think about when estimating cost, simply because rainwater tanks aren’t something you can transport yourself. Some manufacturers may have additional costs when delivering outside their chosen region of operation, which may make the price a little higher.

The same may be true if the area in which you want the tank installed is difficult to access.


Whether or not you can install your tank on your own is something that also comes down to council regulations.

If the council you reside in requires installation to be completed by a professional (such as those from RPG Plumbing), you need to factor this cost into your budget.

Planning Fees

Just as some councils require you to install rainwater tanks through licensed plumbers, so too they may require specific planning or permit requests. If this is the case, these things may incur a fee and something you also need to be aware of.

We recommend checking with your local council to find out about their regulations before choosing a rainwater tank or proceeding with installation.

For more information about choosing the right water tank (and how much it will cost), contact us today.

How Big Should Your Rainwater Tank Be?
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